Fear The Walking Dead: Has the mission changed in 5B?

- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC /

Will the survivors on Fear The Walking Dead make room for something else besides redemption in the second half of the season? Our panel has some thoughts on the mission ahead.

Most of the first half of Fear the Walking Dead season 5 involved the survivors trying to make good on their plan to help people. But that mission wasn’t really going the way they expected. After a long time trying to make contact with anyone they got in touch with Logan, who said he needed help.

But Logan was really just luring them out of the factory so that he could get in there to search for Clayton’s journal. And his ruse ended up splitting the survivor group and stranding one group on the other side of the mountains in a crashed plane.

The survivors decided after the crash to try and save Dylan, Annie, and the other kids but that also didn’t go so well. Eventually Alicia was able to convince the kids to go back across the mountains with the rest of the group after the nuclear reactor melted down but it took a lot of effort to convince them. Dwight was easier to convince and he joined the group because he also is looking for redemption.

But after the group finally reunited and welcomed Daniel Salazar back with his helpful cat Skidmark Morgan indicated that the mission needed to change and that the survivors needed to make room to live for themselves again. They couldn’t live just to find redemption. They will need to make peace with their actions and find something to live for again as well as try to help people when they can.

Based on the Fear The Walking Dead season 5B trailer it looks like they’re going all in on helping people, but will they find that balance between looking for redemption and learning to live? Our panelists have some thoughts on that:

Looking For Redemption And For Life

It seems like the survivors are shifting their focus a little to include more personal development instead of just a relentless quest for redemption. Do you think they’ve made peace with the things they’ve done or are they still going to seek redemption in some way?

Sonya says:

"I think that making peace with their pasts is going to be a process. It’s not something that anyone can do all at once. But I think that most of them are ready to start exploring what life will look like after the losses they’ve had and start thinking about who they want to be after everything that’s happened."

Sara says:

"I think a lot of the survivors have really come a long way on their paths, especially Alicia. She had a lot of darkness to deal with and overcome, and it seems like Morgan is really helping her find her peace again. This seems to be the case for Strand as well. He made peace with Daniel and that was something that he really needed to do."

Jeffrey says:

"I feel as though the characters will spend the rest of their lives trying to make up for the bad things they’ve done. Now that they have had some success, there can be a bit of balance between helping others and trying to live their lives."

Renee says:

"I think they have finally come to a bit of peace but I am sure they will still try to redeem themselves. So much as gone on in each of their lives that I am sure they feel a need to redeem themselves. Perhaps this will be a turning point for them so they are able to experience some real personal growth."

Sara L says:

"I think at this point with everything they have been through it’s nearly impossible to be at peace with everything they have done. They might be more focused on themselves but I believe they will always be looking for ways to be redeemed."

Jill says:

"I was actually discussing this with Brandenn the other day. Many have risked their lives trying to find redemption, and have made some unwise calls because of it. Morgan especially needs to make his peace with who he was, who he’s become, and what needs to be done. I don’t know that Morgan will ever feel as if he’s blotted out the red in his ledger, though."

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What do you think will happen in Fear The Walking Dead season 5B? Tweet us @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @IowaMamaOf3, @MamaDeadHead, @JillRobiFangirl and @UndeadWalkingFS to join the conversation.