Fear the Walking Dead, 210 Words Per Minute: Things To Note
By Liam O'Leary
13) Right up there with “candy beansies”, apparently, Grace’s mom referred to pizza sauce as “tomato toppy”. I don’t even know what to say…
14) This episode gets its name from Grace describing the speed at which she reads (Or, in the case of this episode, listens to) A Tale Of Two Cities: 210 Words Per Minute.
15) During his encounter with Rollie, Dwight asks a good question: Why does Logan want the gas so badly? And, why won’t he tell his minions?
16) Just before he burns one of the postcards Sherry left Dwight, Rollie mentions having watched Dwight’s portions of the video the group made for the truck stops. Will the tapes come back to haunt the group further down the road?
17) As Morgan and Grace make their way toward the mall’s generator through the hallways behind the stores, they find a pair of corpses in the hall, and, apparently, blood spatter on the wall above them. Were they people trapped back there during the outbreak who committed suicide?
18) When some of the walkers make their way into the hallway to chase Morgan and Grace, Morgan instructs Grace to shut her light off. This is a nice bit of wisdom from Morgan, as, in that situation, the light would likely only do more to draw the dead to you than help you in any significant way.