Fear The Walking Dead: Could Logan be working with CRM?

Matthew George Frewer as Logan - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Matthew George Frewer as Logan - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

Logan seems to want those oil fields really badly but maybe those oil fields are just a means to an end like getting in good with CRM.

In Fear The Walking Dead “You’re Still Here” Morgan and Althea asked Logan, when he created a roadblock trying to force them to give up the location of the oil fields, why he wanted them so badly. The Fear squad would give him all the gas he and his people need if they just asked but they never asked for gas. He just wants to find the oil fields.

It could just be that Logan wants to control the gas production but there wouldn’t be much point in that. Money is no good anymore, and while people could trade goods for gas he had the factory which was filled with goods. He and people don’t need goods. They also apparently don’t need bullets, since he said in a previous episode they have more bullets than they know what to do with.

So what does Logan want? Why are the oil fields so important to him? Maybe he wants the location of the oil fields so that he can trade that information to CRM in exchange for him and his crew getting to go live there. Or maybe he is working with CRM because he’s a true believe in what they’re doing.

When he was talking about his plans for the oil fields he did say that what he was going was bigger than all of them and he used language very similar to the language that Isabelle used when she was telling Althea about CRM. So it’s possible that Logan has some connection to CRM and CRM wants the oil fields.  CRM probably needs the gas, because they have helicopters and probably a lot of vehicles as well. They may also need gas to power generators for their community. Having gas to trade would give Logan a lot of power.

The CRM Connection

Even though CRM hasn’t been seen often in Fear The Walking Dead this season the way that the story is building it would be surprising if they’re not seen again in some way before the end of the season. CRM has because an important player in The Walking Dead universe and whatever they are up to they must have a lot of resources for it because they have a very long reach.

It’s possible that CRM has bases throughout what used to be the United States. If they have multiple locations possessing oil fields and working refineries could give them the resources to increase their research or whatever they’re doing.

Why These Oil Fields

There are a lot of oil fields in Texas, so why is Logan so obsessed with these oil fields? There are a few reasons why he’s probably fixated on these fields. For one thing the location of oil fields and refineries aren’t highlighted on paper maps, which is what they’re using. Finding oil fields if you don’t know where they are can be difficult if all you have to go off of is a paper map. And since Logan and his crew don’t have a lot of gas they can’t realistically just drive around from city to city hoping they find one.

Logan knows that there are oil fields close by and he knows that Clayton wrote the location down and may have even drawn a map. That’s why he wants to steal Clayton’s journal or convince the Fear The Walking Dead squad to give up the location of the oil fields.

What do you think TWDFamily? Could Logan be working for or with CRM? Is that why he wants the gas so much? Tweet us @SonyaIryna and @UndeadWalkingFS with your thoughts.