Fear the Walking Dead 514 synopsis: Today and Tomorrow

Karen David as Grace - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Karen David as Grace - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

Fear the Walking Dead continues with season 5 episode 14 “Today and Tomorrow.” Here’s your synopsis of episode 514, airing September 15.

After Ginny and the Pioneers made their debut in last week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead, the fallout from the meeting continues as Morgan and Al work on one mission while Grace and Daniel find themselves on a very different kind of mission.

In “Today and Tomorrow” a chance encounter leads Al and Morgan into the heart of the Pioneers compound, but what will happen when Morgan meets Ginny? At this point Al and Morgan don’t know what has happened at the oil fields so they don’t know what to make of these strangers. Morgan’s experience back in Alexandria make him a very interesting observer of Ginny and her strange ways. Will his past inform his future?

Meanwhile, Grace and Daniel take Skidmark on a supply run when things go awry. However, the duo and their feline companion end up running into trouble, and that leads to an opportunity to learn more about each other.

The introduction of Ginny and her people have paved the way for exciting new stories on Fear the Walking Dead. Her mission isn’t much different from that of Morgan’s group – namely, to help people – but it’s their methods that draw the biggest criticism.

However, now that they have met, will they be able to exist together or will their detente end in tragedy?

Here’s the synopsis of “Today and Tomorrow”:

“An encounter with a survivor sends Al and Morgan on a mission into a dangerous settlement. There, Al chases a lead while Morgan has an epiphany. Elsewhere, Grace and Daniel make a connection.”

Episode: Season 5 Episode 14 “Today and Tomorrow”

Writers: Richard Naing, David Johnson

Director: Sydney Freeland

Original Airdate: September 15

Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9pm on AMC.