Colby Minifie, the actress who brings the mysterious and possibly nefarious Ginny to life on Fear the Walking Dead, is taking over Instagram on September 15.
Fans don’t know what to make of Ginny on Fear the Walking Dead quite yet. She arrives on horseback talking about the new future after murdering Logan and his people, which makes it hard to pin down her motives. Thankfully, Colby Minifie will be taking over the Fear the Walking Dead Instagram account on September 15 ahead of an all-new episode of the show and this will be a great time for fans to learn more about her.
Minifie has been a fantastic new arrival in The Walking Dead Universe. Ginny is a fascinating character who comes bearing news of a bright future, but she’s not afraid to kill people to get to that future and that makes her a threat. In fact, if it hadn’t been for Luciana’s sacrifice in “Leave What You Don’t” there might not have been many members of the group left.
In other words, we get the distinct impression that Ginny is not a woman that you want to cross.
In this week’s “Today and Tomorrow”, Morgan and Al will have a chance to meet Ginny for themselves, and they’ll also get a firsthand look at one of the communities she bragged about. What will Morgan think of all of this? We shall soon see.
One thing is for sure, though Ginny’s intentions aren’t clear, we do know that Minifie herself is thrilled to be part of the show:
Minifie’s Instagram takeover comes at a very interesting time for the show. With only three episodes left in season 5, there’s no question that things are about to get crazy for the group of survivors and their missions to help people. Minifie’s perspective as a newcomer to the series will surely yield lots of fun behind the scenes photos and reflections from her time on set.
You can join the conversation with Colby Minifie on the Fear the Walking Dead Instagram account on Sunday afternoon ahead of this week’s all-new episode.