Season 5 of Fear the Walking Dead has been mainly based on hope. With the end drawing near it might be time to say goodbye forever to one or more of our characters.
During this season of Fear The Walking Dead we haven’t seen that many deaths. Aside from Logan’s small group, it was mainly redshirts who fans didn’t know too much about, so very little attachment. This season we followed the group as many members just tried to find themselves and a small piece of happiness.
It’s something I have found to be very refreshing and something I feel the characters have deserved. However, with this next episode being the finale, I’m worried all of that will be coming to an abrupt end.
Let’s get the glaring death out of the way, mostly because this is the one that would gut me. Grace has been battling with her radiation poisoning since we met her. We have absolutely no idea whatsoever how sick she is. So her death as been a big focus on the show and among fans. Grace has been welcomed warmly into the fan base and Karen David who places her is so delightful and vivacious, so it adds to the devastation this character death would bring.
If our main group does decide to all go with Virginia, this could come at the cost of leaving Grace behind or killing her. Tom had previously stated getting aid for one person is something Virginia would never do. This rough leader also executed Logan and his entire squad because they became nonessential. My mind hates to go to this place, but there is a chance Grace could get executed if she would become sick on their trip. If Virginia feels the group is held back by her of course.
Grace’s death might be a little too obvious. This could certainly be wishful thinking, as I do not want her to leave us, or Morgan. However, events rarely go the way we think they will in the Walking Dead universe. It could very well seem like she is on her death-bed just for it all to be a trick to make us not look in another direction. Speaking health-wise though, she is certainly on the fan’s death radar, and it wouldn’t be a huge shock if this would be her last episode with us.
The people I will be mentioning next are in my wildcard theories. I am considering the following wildcards because these are more gut feelings or off actions/comments with no massive substance behind them.