One of the longest-tenured characters on the show, Maggie Rhee will return to The Walking Dead at some point in season 10.
It feels like forever ago that Maggie rode off to be with baby Hershel to join Georgie on The Walking Dead. She has missed a lot in her absence, including Rick’s farewell and the introduction of the Whisperers.
However, she won’t be missing too much more. A recent announcement from New York Comic-Con has revealed that Lauren Cohan, the actress who plays Maggie, will be returning at some point in season 10.
Here is the tweet confirming the news from the show’s official Twitter account:
While it’s great that fans will once again see Maggie on The Walking Dead, the question of what her role will be upon her return has to be asked. The Hilltop has already seen leadership change since her exit and with Ezekiel taking up residence there, he is the most likely option to take over control.
And even if Maggie does return, it will hopefully be for more than just a cameo in an episode or two. She would be a great addition to the regular cast as rejoining the show would bring another face fans have followed to the start back into the mix.
Fans should still be excited about the return of Cohan. She has been a part of The Walking Dead history for many years and will bring a familiar excitement and feel to a show that has taken on a new feel at the start of season 9 under new showrunner Angela Kang.
Don’t miss the return of The Walking Dead on Sunday, Oct. 6. While Maggie won’t be returning in early in the season, there are plenty of other great reasons to watch the amazing action and drama season 10 has to offer.