The Walking Dead panel: Should fans feel sorry for heartbroken Eugene?

Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 12 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 12 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Rosita put her foot down in season 10 of The Walking Dead and crushed the hopes Eugene had of a relationship with her. Should fans feel sorry for him?

Seeing someone’s dream go up in flames is never fun to watch. People seem to love watching people come together to fall in love and overcome adversity. Sadly, that wasn’t the story for Eugene in episode 1003 of The Walking Dead. 

Rosita slammed the door shut on any hope of Eugene becoming her man, being blunt and to the point. She has been giving him this message for quite a while, but the smarty-pants has been hoping to change her mind.

The question to be asked here is this: Should fans feel sorry for Eugene after seeing his heart broken in two? We posed this very question to our The Walking Dead panel and here are the responses.

Sara L. says

Absolutely not. In no way shape or form do I feel bad for Eugene in this situation. If anything I feel bad that Rosita was just told by her best friend that their relationship doesn’t mean anything unless it’s romantic.

Being friends even for 50 years doesn’t mean that just because it’s been 50 years you get a romance with someone. Personally, I think the “friend zone” is a cop-out excuse for someone who can’t handle a real reason that someone might not want to be with them. In this case, I think Rosita needs someone to not only boost her self-confidence but hold her down if she starts acting out as she did with Negan taking that shot.

Eugene CAN’T give her that, he isn’t emotionally mature enough. He follows her around like a puppy dog, he would probably worship her to a fault where he can’t call out her shortcomings, and he would lose himself in the relationship. He just needs someone who can complement what he needs, Rosita just isn’t it. (Also if I was Rosita I wouldn’t want to be with someone who has watched intimate moments with me, and tried to take peaks at me breastfeeding I find that gross)

Rosita has tried telling him many times, and if a whole relationship and a baby haven’t made him realize, then I’m sorry but no sympathy. If she had led him on then yes, but she didn’t.

Jeffrey says

I will always have a soft side for Eugene. That being said, Rosita has made her feelings toward him abundantly clear on multiple occasions. She isn’t in love with him. He needs to realize that, accept it, and move forward as her friend. While she doesn’t want to be in a romantic relationship with him, it is very apparent just how important their friendship is to Rosita. They have been through so much together and she cherishes him as a life-long friend. Hopefully, he can understand that now that she has conveyed this to him bluntly.

Renee says

I always feel sorry for Eugene. When we first met him you could tell he was not made for this world. It has taken him years to get to the point he is at now. But, he should realize that Rosita isn’t the gal for him. They have been through a lot together and are really good friends but that is all that it will ever be.

Adam says

There is a part of me that hopes Eugene will find love, but he needs to let go of this massive crush on Rosita. I know what it feels like to want to be with someone who doesn’t want you back, and that sucks. But you can’t force a relationship to happen and if you try, you’ll both just end up resenting each other.

I don’t pity him. And it’s going to take him a while to get over his heartbreak. But he does just need to accept that a relationship with Rosita just isn’t going to happen no matter what. She continually makes that clear.

Do you feel sorry for Eugene after seeing his heart be broken in episode 1003 of The Walking Dead? Or should he have gotten the point a long, long time ago? Let us know your opinion in the comments.