The Walking Dead, Bonds: Things To Note
By Liam O'Leary
Eugene may have met a new friend, and Negan may have joined the Whisperers, but, what else happened? Find out in this week’s Walking Dead: Things To Note!
This episode of The Walking Dead wasn’t as action-heavy as I’m sure many would like, but, it made up for it by planting seeds I’m sure we’ll be seeing come to fruition well into the second half of the season.
First, Carol and Daryl went searching for the Whisperers’ secret stash of walkers, and wound up coming back with a souvenir. Then, we saw Eugene find a new friend…somewhere. We don’t know her name, or where she is, but, Eugene seems to be making the gamble to trust her. Next, we saw Siddiq seem to shake off his PTSD to deal with a growing epidemic in Alexandria, only to discover later that he has far from shaking off anything. And, finally, we saw Negan, by all appearances, join the Whisperers.
All-in-all, it seems like a lot has happened, but, what about everything else? You know, the hints, the clues, the references, the foreshadowing, and all the little bits of trivia Sunday’s episode contained. Did you catch them all? If not, don’t worry about it, I got you covered!
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!