Eugene has reached out and found someone with his long-range radio. But how much trust should he have in their conversations on The Walking Dead?
The world of The Walking Dead is always getting bigger. Whether it is a new location revealed, some new survivors getting introduced, or a massive discovery, the show always finds a way to grow and adapt as seasons go on.
One of the biggest recent revelations on the show came when Eugene improved the range of his radio and contacted a strange woman over the airwaves. He seems comfortable with her, talking to her about anything and everything while she isn’t nearly as comfortable discussing her group.
The big question here is whether or not Eugene can really trust the people on the other end of the radio. He might be getting a bit of a crush on the individual, which will likely sway his feeling and possibly mess with his decision making.
Should Eugene trust her? That is the question posed to our group of The Walking Dead experts. Here is what they had to say!
Sara L. says
On a scale of 1 to 10, I trust the voice on the radio at about a 3. I am a huge comic fan, so in my heart I really want it to be someone from the Commonwealth. However, we did just see Dante’s character go villainous so I’m not about to trust the source material when it comes to the show. It could be the Commonwealth but it is a terrible villainous place as well. So going solely based on one conversation if I have to give an answer, then no. If they trusted everyone on a walkie after one conversation then they would all be dead.
Joe says
Having read the entirety of The Walking Dead comic series, I want to say that I trust the voice on the other end of the radio with Eugene. However, considering how dark the show has become in this past season with paranoia and mistrust running rampant, I would not be surprised to learn that the voice on the other end of the radio will lead the group into danger once again. Maybe the Whisperers made me a cynic, but I find it hard to trust anyone on the show outside of those we already know are good people.
Jeffrey says
Trust is really hard to come by in this world, especially after what we just saw happen with Dante. The fact that at this very moment, Eugene is just speaking to a voice and not an actual person makes me feel a little more comfortable. I do think this voice could be a genuinely good person, but I want Eugene to play it safe and not reveal any key information about the location of our communities. The voice will need to reveal more about herself and where she is from before Eugene should give up information about his own people.
Renee says
Poor Eugene, nothing works out for him. I find it hard to trust whoever is talking to him. There just seems to be so many horrible people in this world. Hopefully, it is someone they are able to trade with or ban together with. They have enough problems with the Whisperers at the moment.
Adam says
I think the woman on the other end of the conversation is approaching this better than Eugene is. She is getting to know Eugene while not discussing specifics about their group’s location, population, or capabilities. Right now, he should absolutely not trust a single thing being said, but over time that faith can grow into something that can make the survivors feel comfortable to exchange information or even meet up.
Do you trust the person on the radio? Or do you think he should be VERY uneasy about sharing any information with the individual? Let us know what you how you think Eugene should approach this situation in future episodes of The Walking Dead.