Gamma made a discovery that could shake the Whisperers to their core on The Walking Dead, but what will she do with this piece of information?
The big season 10 midseason finale of The Walking Dead airs on Sunday and the stage is set for some really crazy things to go down on Sunday, Nov. 24. While there are many storylines to follow, one could be particularly devastating to a group of people.
In episode 1007, Gamma learned that Lydia is still alive and residing with the people Alpha had beheaded to form the pike border. That news is huge because the leader of the Whisperers has been telling her followers that she killed Lydia.
Gamma seemed to take that information poorly and fan off into the woods. Gamma has plenty of options as to what to do with her newly discovered knowledge, but what exactly will her strategy be?
That was the question posed to our panel of The Walking Dead experts! Here is what they had to say:
Sara L. says
As silly as this may seem, it depends on who else tries to manipulate her for their own gain. For example, if she goes to Aaron and says I’ll do anything you want just let me see my nephew, then it will depend on what he says. I don’t think she is the type to make this huge master plan and bring everyone down. With her state of mind, I could see her going for Alpha but if her plan is like her sister’s then it might end up the same. I cannot personally recall her connecting with any other Whisperer so I can’t see her telling any friends to leave while she dismantles everything, she is definitely more focused on herself. So with the information she has, she will likely pursue her nephew or her own best interest.
Joe says
Gamma’s discovery that Lydia is still alive will almost certainly help bring upon the fall of the Whisperers, or at the very least Alpha’s reign in charge. The Whisperers are following Alpha because of how committed to the cause she seems to be, so when Gamma inevitably tells people about it, chaos will ensue. I would say that this would be the moment where Beta takes leadership of the cult, but because he is already aware of Lydia’s survival, I am intrigued to see how it will all unfold.
Jeffrey says
I think Gamma will be conflicted for a bit as she processes this game-changing information. The fact that she sacrificed the life of her sister to save Alpha is certainly going to be something that will weigh heavily on Gamma’s mind. Alpha lied and didn’t actually make this huge sacrifice that she claims to have made for her people, so I believe that fact alone will anger Gamma and she may decide to use the lie to take down Alpha later on.
Renee says
She will use it to her advantage I am sure. She is torn between Alpha’s world and the world where her nephew, her only living relative resides. This information, at the very least, can dethrone Alpha. Beta may then step in and take over.
Adam says
After thinking about it for a while, here is what I think Gamma will do with that information: nothing. While it may come in handy later, I can’t see Gamma risking her life to return to the Whisperers to confront Alpha…since we’ve all seen how that ends. I expect her to do some soul-searching and return to talk with Aaron to try to see her nephew and possibly join either Alexandria or the Hilltop.
What do you think Gamma will do with the information about Lydia? Will she confront Alpha and the Whisperers? Will she stay away from that group and go somewhere else? Let us know what you think will happen in future episodes of The Walking Dead.