The Interesting Stuff!
- Babies are zombie magnets. Any time there is a baby crying, it’s like a dinner bell ringing for a walker. The undead don’t seem to care if there is more action going on around them or someone else is making noise, they seem to head right for the little ones. It almost makes you wonder if it’s just the volume of the infants that is so attractive to the zombies or if walkers are programmed to go after kids as easier meals.
- Judith is into documenting now too. A journal about everyone she meets and everything that happens is an interesting idea, but it feels a lot like what is happening on Fear the Walking Dead with the video documentaries trying to leave legacies. That is one trend that doesn’t need to cross over to both shows.
- Those puppy dog eyes! Luke may be getting teased about Jules at Oceanside, but he did convince Judith that a library might be a good stop to get some books on music. Michonne didn’t think it was a good idea, but with a little begging, some puppy dog eyes and a magical “please” said, that became the next stop on the trip.
- A mighty shoulder block! You’d think it was John Cena bouncing off the ropes the way that Eugene delivered that devastating shoulder block to a walker wearing a hardhat that was giving Rosita trouble. He always seems to be keeping an eye out for her…just in case. This time, it came in handy to have him watch.
- Okay, Psycho. Watching Father Gabriel open Dante’s cell, enter, and then calmly talk to him before stabbing him with a knife numerous times made me worry about his mental health. However, it’s nice to have Dante out of the picture even though that was a surprising way to go. Since it’s both good and bad, I just put it here until I figure out how I feel about it.
- Anything for us. This episode had some touching scenes for Daryl. While Carol got more screentime with him and a big hug, an open-ended message pre-written on a pad of paper leaves some questions. Shippers on both sides of the aisle got more to work with this week, and that will be interesting to see on social media.