5 WTF moments from The Walking Dead episode 1008

Samantha Morton as Alpha - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AM8
Samantha Morton as Alpha - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AM8 /
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Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Ross Marquand as Aaron, Lauren Ridloff as Connie, Angel Theory as Kelly, Nadia Hilker as Magna - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AM8
Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Ross Marquand as Aaron, Lauren Ridloff as Connie, Angel Theory as Kelly, Nadia Hilker as Magna – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AM8 /

1. Carol and the trap

First I want to start by saying that I absolutely do find that Father Gabriel butchering Dante more shocking than my choice for number one. However, that is exactly why I picked this for number 1. Judging by all the reactions via social media I know I was not alone in the fact I screamed “WTF this is obviously a trap,” 20 times at my tv screen. So in this case lack of thought goes above shocking.

So let’s break this down and have a big chat. Carol is going through a lot of grief right now, and that is going to cause you to act in ways you normally wouldn’t. Grief can do some insane things to your mind. Carol wants revenge and I don’t think a single person blames her for that. The great thing about The Walking Dead is that these characters are just normal humans going through this journey together.

Characters and people in real life have faults, and you can love them to the moon and back and still recognize that some actions they may take are wrong. Carol is wrong, plain and simple. Gabriel killed Dante, communities are paranoid and up in arms at all times, the pikes have caused them to train for war and get a strategy together. So you can’t sell me a story that Carol is the only one doing something. Others are too, they are just doing it together while she is thinking of her revenge first.

Did the group have to follow her? No. They followed her because they love her, and they care about her, and they don’t want her harmed and they trust her. That should be taken as a compliment. It should also be a nice safety net for those that don’t want Carol dead because likely someone else will not make it out instead of her going in alone and perishing.

Now, in this case, a big WTF to everyone that also followed her in, this is one of those times your parents warn you about. “If your friends jump off a cliff are you going to do it too?” Everyone can see how irrational and impulsive Carol is acting, she didn’t even say why she was running off. Daryl even had an inkling that it was a trap and still went after them.

The group should have gotten to that cave entrance and said, no thank you! I’d like to live past today and found either a better way in or go back for the big reinforcements. While they love Carol and are concerned for her, don’t get everyone in the group killed following a terrible plan with no thought or care to anyone who lives put into it.

Carol cares for others, and she paints the picture of taking down Alpha solely based on the fact it would help everyone however it’s simply not the case. If she was thinking of everyone in this situation alone(let’s ignore the others), all she had to do was shout to the group and tell them Alpha was standing right there and for everyone to proceed with caution. She didn’t because she was blinded by her own revenge and was only thinking of herself.

If she had done just the action of telling the group she saw Alpha, I know at least one other person who would have gotten to the cave entrance and stopped. Daryl might have stopped totally, Connie and Kelly might have assessed their surroundings better. Jerry and Aaron might have been more reserved and Magna is a wildcard who might have called Carol out or followed her in. No matter what they would have done, they weren’t given a chance for anything else because they weren’t given the proper information.

A huge WTF to everything surrounding what happened at the cave. Much like other previous number ones, this tops my list because it has the chance to cause a bad ripple effect in the future. Will everyone make it out? Will the way out release the horde? Will death be the only thing to slow down Carol’s selfish revenge mission or will this be all season? Let’s just all keep our fingers crossed that everything works out.

Related Story. The Walking Dead episode 1008 review: Not so smooth sailing. light

What did you think about my list of WTF moments from the midseason finale of The Walking Dead season 10? Tweet me @mamadeadhead and tell me your thoughts and theories for the next half!