Markice Moore who portrayed Andrew on The Walking Dead is releasing a line of clothing reminiscent of his day on the series.
You remember Andrew from the prison in season 3 of The Walking Dead. Portrayed by Markice Moore, Andrew wasn’t a nice guy. He is one of the prisoners discovered locked in the prison cafeteria for 10 months and the one who later hid in the prison and made trouble for Rick’s group.
This group had no idea what had been going on outside of the prison. When they were let out they wanted to call and check in on their friends and family and were shocked when they found out the state of things on the outside. Before they were let out of their prison within the prison, all five prisoners witnessed Rick cutting off of Hershel’s bitten leg. They stood there watching probably wondering who in the world this group of people were.
In the meantime, Moore has been keeping himself busy with such projects as, Point Blank, The Paynes, Snowfall, Shots Fired and has post-production credits with 45 Seconds and California Love. And now, he has come up with an awesome idea centered around his character Andrew.
Moore, along with German Abraham/Abraham’s army creator, Chris Twellmann, has designed a line of clothing, The Official Markice Kesan Moore Prisoner Collection. The line has clever designs like, Hard Core Prisoner, Straight outta WGCF, PWA (prisoners with attitude) which features all five of the original prisoner’s photos. You can order the items via Abraham’s Army Etsy page.
The Walking Dead fans enjoy Markice Moore and all the energy he brings. Best of luck to him and all his new adventures and hopefully he will continue designing more wonderful apparel for his fans!