Which community, if any, is best for Lydia on The Walking Dead?

Cassady McClincy as Lydia - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
Cassady McClincy as Lydia - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC /

Lydia went off on her own in season 10 of The Walking Dead but where could she go that would make her the most dangerous to another group of survivors?

With the survivors trapped in the cave, Negan trying to join the Whisperers, Michonne’s exit, and the deaths at Alexandria, the story of Lydia going off on her own after being used by Carol in a scheme to destroy the Whisperers has taken a bit of a back seat in season 10 of The Walking Dead.

However, what she decides to do next could have a massive impact on the show. If she doesn’t return to Alexandria, they lose a big bargaining chip. If she returns to Alpha, the Whisperers could implode, and if she goes anywhere else, there are implications to those actions as well.

Lydia’s next move needs to be a smart one. But where can she go that would not only keep her safe but put those she sees as threats in jeopardy? That’s what we asked our panel of The Walking Dead experts!

Joe says:

I would not necessarily consider Lydia to be dangerous per se, but she does pose a threat to whatever side she ends up facing in the upcoming Whisperer War. If she decides to return to her mother and the Whisperers, then not only will the secrets of the inner workings of the community be at risk, but also the loyalty of the rest of the Whisperers will be challenged when it is revealed that Alpha lied about killing her daughter. Likewise, if Lydia decides to return to Alexandria, she continues to be a good vault of information about the Whisperers while also becoming more physically capable as she honors Henry by learning how to fight with his staff.

Jeffrey says:

The simple fact that Lydia is alive makes her dangerous to Alpha. Carol exploited that fact when she revealed Lydia to Gamma. Morally speaking, Carol using Lydia like this isn’t great, but it is smart strategically to slowly break apart the Whisperers by causing them to turn against their leader. We know how much Carol wants Alpha dead and we know she is willing to go to some pretty extreme lengths to take down an enemy. If Lydia decided to return and work with Carol, they honestly might be able to end Alpha once and for all.

Dawn says:

She is most dangerous for Alpha when aligned with Team Family. She understands Alpha in a way no one else does, and understands the weaknesses of her entire setup. She is also a weakness to Alpha because she still underneath it all cares for her daughter. She can be used as a weapon against her mother, willingly, in a way she cannot be used again our crew.

Neva says:

We haven’t really got to see the strong side of Lydia with others. Eventually, I would say Daryl who is like a big brother/father figure to her as he is the one she.interacted with the most. Right now, I’d say Lydia is most dangerous on her own. she survived as a Whisperer and as alpha’s daughter prior to meeting Henry. we know she can be lethal but she is still finding her way and discovering who she wants to be. she’s brave enough to strike out on her own and knows how to live with and around walkers, knows how to hunt for food, find shelter, all the basics for living in a zombie apocalypse. It’s people who seem to confuse her the most. Personally I’d like to see her team up with Judith someday and would like her to develop a bond with others in the group.

Adam says:

Honestly, Lydia is the most dangerous if she does absolutely nothing and joins forces with nobody. If she stays away, Alexandria no longer as their great equalizer to shock Alpha’s followers and the Whisperers have no reason to believe their leader lied without proof of Lydia being alive.

If she stays gone, the two sides will go to war at full strength and there will be a lot of losses on the battlefield. However, it is unlikely she would want that much death to be because of her decisions and will return to an apologetic Carol…if that group gets out of the cave alive.

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What do you think Lydia will do when season 10 of The Walking Dead returns? And how would Lydia’s choice result in the most deaths on the show? Let us know your opinion in the comments section!