Fear The Walking Dead 2020: Alicia’s New Year’s resolutions

Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

2019 is over and it’s time to make resolutions for Fear the Walking Dead characters in the New Year. Here’s what Alicia Clark needs to do in 2020.

Alicia Clark has come a long way since the first season of Fear the Walking Dead. She has lost her entire family: Madison, Nick, Travis and Chris. Along the way, though, she picked up a new family: Strand, Salazar, Luciana and so many others. Now, in season 6, a new enemy will put her through the biggest test of all as she is separated from the only people she knows. Here are the New Year’s resolutions that will help her survive 2020.

Channel The Rage

Alicia lost her mother and brother in season 4, with Nick’s death coming about a year after she lost her mom. Losing her two remaining family members in such a short period of time left her reeling. She channeled her grief during the plane crash, clearing walkers with abandon, but then the grief drove her to paint trees.

Painting trees divided fans, but Alicia’s days of painting trees are over. Hopefully painting gave her the respite she needed to regain her focus, because it’s going to take everything she’s got to defeat Ginny’s people.

Fans know that Alicia is a skilled fighter. She can use her rage and anger and grief as momentum to propel her into action. If she channels the rage, she can use it to fight Ginny so that she can free her friends and get out of this predicament.

Keep The Faith

After being separated from her new family, it would be easy for Alicia to feel dejected and hopeless, and no one would blame her for giving up. But she can’t give up. She has to keep the faith in the face of this monumental challenge. She might have to put on a brave face, and that will be hard to do after being separated from everyone she loves and cares about, but that’s what she needs to do.

If we learned one thing from seasons 4 and 5 of Fear the Walking Dead, it’s that you have to have hope if you’re going to survive the madness of the zombie apocalypse. She has come so far after losing her family, so now is not the time to give up.

Honor Madison and Nick

One of the things that kept Alicia going after losing her mother and brother was the idea that what she did honored her mother’s legacy. Madison wanted to find a way for her family to lead a good life in the apocalypse, and she died keeping her family safe.

Keeping Madison’s memory alive needs to be Alicia’s guiding principle in season 6. Ginny’s way of life might work for the people under her control, but the audience knows that when you stop being useful, Ginny disposes of you.

The best way Alicia can honor Madison is to stay alive and find a way to persevere. She needs to find a way to reunite with her friends and start an uprising, and hopefully she can sway some of Ginny’s followers into turning against her. Showing Ginny’s people another way of living would be exactly what Madison would do, and it would be the best way for Alicia to honor her mother.

What would you like to see from Alicia in 2020? Leave your ideas in the comments!

Fear the Walking Dead returns for season 6 in 2020.