Rodney (Joe Ando-Hirsh)
By all accounts, Rodney was not a great guy. Whether it was trying to pit Henry and Lydia against each other or playing games with a walker trapped in a hole, we didn’t see many redeeming qualities from Rodney on the show.
Rodney’s survival would probably mean more of the same for his character – following along with Gage’s childish and cruel antics. He likely would have helped when Gage was attacking Lydia in season 10, as he too would have been upset over the death of his friend, Addy.
There’s always the hope, though, that Rodney could use such a traumatic event to turn himself around. Perhaps the death of a close friend in Addy would be a wake-up call to Rodney, making him step up as a dedicated soldier in the Whisperer War. Unfortunately for us, the teenager’s life was cut way too short at the hands of Alpha and the Whisperers.