Episode 203 of The Walking Dead titled “Save the Last One” was pretty crazy, but which characters didn’t make it out alive?
The survivors were in a state of chaos and concern at this point in The Walking Dead. Carl had been shot and desperately needed medical supplies while Sophia was lost during a walker invasion on the highway and has yet to be found.
This episode featured the conclusion of a mission by Shane and Otis to retrieve the needed supplies from a make-shift medical unit at the high school. Plus, Andrea and Daryl go off in search of Carol’s daughter in hopes of finding her alive.
Hopes were high that both groups would succeed in their missions, but both the endeavors were quite dangerous. Here is who died in season 2 episode 3 of The Walking Dead titled “Save the Last One” which aired on Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011:
- Several walkers
- Otis
First off, it’s hard not to feel bad for Otis. Accidentally shooting Carl when hunting seemed to really eat away at him and volunteering to go after the medical supplies shows that he wanted to anything he could to help the boy he unintentionally hurt. There is some debate as to whether or not Otis would have been able to escape if he hadn’t been sacrificed to the walkers by Shane, but it’s not surprising Rick’s former police partner was willing to sacrifice this stranger to get what Carl needed. There were just too many walkers to kill at the school.
However, the mission of Andrea and Daryl was different. They only had one walker to deal with and the debate was to let it go or take it out. Eventually, Daryl does kill it, but only to find out if Andrea is ready to live again after nearly staying at the CDC with a desire to end her life. Sadly, Andrea isn’t sure if she has found the will yet.
Otis could have been a solid survivor if given the chance. He had a lot of skills that would have made him an asset to groups on The Walking Dead but never got the opportunity to shine in future episodes.