One thing The Walking Dead has always tried to convey is that people are more dangerous than zombies. This week, we learn just WHO you should avoid.
If there is one theme that has existed throughout The Walking Dead’s history, it’s that people are a bigger threat to your survival than the dead are. Shane, The Governor, Terminus, The Saviors, I could go on, but, you get the point.
Now that I’ve done my What to avoid and What to avoid — City Edition lists, I figured I could help all of you out with a new one, one that lays out, not so much a “What to avoid”, but, more of a…”Who to avoid”.
While I obviously can’t tell you every single person to avoid, I can tell you the kinds of people you should avoid. Think of it as a profile, covering people who exhibit specific behaviors or have a certain kind of relationship to you, one that might make them more of a threat than just an ordinary stranger once zombies emerge and throw most of society’s rules out the window.
Let’s get this started.