When The Walking Dead returns, Daryl, Carol, and several others will still be trapped in a cave in Whisperer territory, but, who set them up: Alpha or Gamma?
When we left off in The Walking Dead, Daryl, Carol, Aaron, Magna, Jerry, Connie, and Kelly followed Alpha into a cave, and wound up trapped in said cave…along with Alpha’s horde. Now, seven of Alexandria and Hilltop’s chief defenders are stuck in the dark with hundreds of walkers, while Michonne is going off to an island in the Chesapeake and no one else in either Hilltop or Alexandria know where they are. Wonderful.
While this is going to make how the communities respond to whatever Alpha has planned quite interesting, what interests me is how Daryl and company wound up in that mess in the first place. The whole reason they went to that cave was because Gamma told them that was the location of Alpha’s ultimate weapon: Her horde of walkers. However, when the group arrived, Alpha was clearly expecting them.
This has got me wondering: Who set Daryl and the others up? Was it Alpha? She’s a master strategist, and this seems right up her alley. Or, did Gamma betray Aaron? Were her claims of wanting to see her nephew all just a ruse, part of her mission to disinform the communities?
Honestly…I’m not sure, because, either one is a good candidate. I’m going to present the evidence for both and see if we can figure out just who set up Daryl, Carol, Aaron, and the rest of the team, and left them to die in a walker-filled cave.