Negan watches Gamma while she’s eating. Beta comes for her so that she can speak with Alpha. Alpha says that the Enemy went right to the edge of the forest looking for the horde. They knew exactly where to look, she notes. Gamma, the only one not wearing a skin mask, asks if they found it.
Beta says they underestimated the Enemy, but Alpha knows they must have spies. She wants Gamma to send a message to the Whisperer spies that they have failed. Negan watches as Gamma walks away.
Carol collects water in her canteen while Aaron adjusts his mace hand. Carol sees Kelly and Connie and keeps walking. Kelly asks Connie if she thinks it’s daytime or nighttime, but Connie tells her to relax. Magna asks Daryl for a match, feeling like she needs to keep busy.
Carol settles down beside Daryl and says that she never told him that she was claustrophobic, and she points out that he never told her much of anything earlier on. He’s frustrated that he can’t turn his back on her anymore because she keeps running off and getting into trouble. He begged her to talk with him and he wants to support her, but he’s lost.
She tells him she is stuck in a loop thinking about Henry. She knows it has to stop but she can’t make it stop. She doesn’t just want Alpha dead, she wants to hurt her and make her beg forgiveness and then she can die. Daryl understands, and he would do the same, unless she was there to stop him. He says she has to stop because people she cares about are getting hurt. Carol says she didn’t mean for anything to happen. He tells her not to lie to him anymore because they’re on the same team, fighting for their future, not for revenge. She leans against him and gets some rest.
Magna uses the matches to look for signs of air in the cave, which could suggest an exit. She walks in almost total darkness and suddenly a Whisperer comes out of nowhere and attacks her. She screams out a warning.