The Walking Dead fans react to the biggest moments in 1009

Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Ross Marquand as Aaron - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Chuck Zlotnick/AMC
Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Ross Marquand as Aaron - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Chuck Zlotnick/AMC

The Walking Dead’s midseason premiere had some heart stopping and head scratching moments and of course the Internet had feelings about it all.

The Walking Dead finally returned from midseason hiatus last night with 1009 “Squeeze”. The horde turned out to be least dangerous part of the group trying to escape from the cave. They had to fight off Whisperers and squeeze through some incredibly tight spaces to try and find a way to the surface after being trapped with the horde.

Carol’s attempt to blow up the horde with dynamite backfired and ended up causing a massive cave in, trapping Connie and Magna inside the caves, possibly with more Whisperers. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t make it out. There’s definitely more than one way in and out of the cave system so if they have enough supplies or if Daryl can find another entrance quickly they could still be fine.

Negan continued his campaign to get in good with Alpha and approached her directly to voice his suspicion that Gamma is the spy who let the survivors know the location of the horde. Is that because he really suspects her or just because throwing suspicion on her just validates Alpha’s paranoia? Either way, his ploy worked. Alpha sent Beta to find Gamma and bring her back to Alpha. Alpha plans to make an example of her.

To reward Negan for coming to her with his advice and suspicions Alpha had sex with him. In what could be the unsexiest sex scene in TV history a naked Negan and Alpha, except for their socks and her Whisperer mask, embraced in a moment that inspired some big reactions from fans. Here are the best fan reactions to the biggest moments in The Walking Dead 1009 “Squeeze”:

Jerry Almost Gets Bitten

As Jerry inched through the tiny crawlspace in the rock with walkers crawling behind him grabbing and biting at his feet fans feared the worst:

That Alpha And Negan Scene

Predictably some of the biggest reactions of the night were to that scene between Alpha and Negan:

The Cave In

There were also a lot of reactions to the precarious situation that Magna and Connie are now in, and Carol’s ongoing reckless decisions which she had just promised to stop making when she made another one:

And a great tweet to sum up The Walking Dead midseason premiere:

What did you think of The Walking Dead midseason premiere TWDFamily? Tweet us @SonyaIryna and @UndeadWalkingFS to tell us what moments you loved from “Squeeze”.