Last week’s Walking Dead featured Daryl and company squeezing through a cave, hundreds of walkers, and dynamite. Want more? Check out my Things To Note!
I have to say, of the more recent midseason premieres The Walking Dead has had, this one might be my favorite.
To start with, the cave is a completely unique setting for the series, and presents a whole slew of new hazards for our heroes to have to fight their way through. For example: Poor Jerry having to squeeze through a hole that is only just barely big enough for him. Honestly…I was terrified for Jerry. Of all the people in the cave, seeing Jerry die would have been the absolute worst, and the fact that the show made me care about what would happen to him, to me, is a testament to, if not the whole episode, at the very least, how well the series has built Jerry as a character.
Secondly, I enjoyed this new dynamic with Daryl and Carol, where Carol, still reeling from the loss of Henry, is flying off the handle, and Daryl is getting increasingly exasperated with her revenge blindness and recklessness (Including using the unstable dynamite). It’s different, and…I like it.
Then, there was Negan and Alpha, with Negan basically ratting out Gamma, and then, well…that other thing between Negan and Alpha.
Of course, these are only the big things. Last Sunday’s episode had a bunch of little things that just totally got overshadowed by those big things. Luckily, I’m here to gather them all up so they don’t escape your notice.
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: THINGS TO NOTE!
(P.S.: #JerryDiesWeRiot)