12) After stripping naked, Alpha explains to Negan that she wanted to reward him for figuring out Gamma was a spy. If she’s “rewarding” him, does that mean that Beta’s already caught Gamma?
13) Negan and Alpha are at least the ninth couple we’ve seen (Or, as much as can be reasonably shown, anyway) hook up in The Walking Dead, behind Lori and Shane, Glenn and Maggie, Shane and Andrea, Rick and Lori, The Governor and Andrea, The Governor and Lilly Chambler, Abraham and Rosita, and Rick and Michonne.
14) Aaron using his mace arm as a…pickaxe(?) to break through the earth above the mine is the first time we’ve seen a prosthesis used as something other than a weapon Or…a prosthesis, of course) in the series.
15) The five Whisperers killed by the group as they escaped the cave makes for the twelfth through sixteenth Whisperers we’ve seen die this season, and the fifteenth through nineteenth to die overall.
16) This episode obviously gets its name from the fact that the group are forced, several times, to squeeze their way through narrow openings to escape the cave.
And, with that, we’ve concluded our Things To Note for this week. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Feel free to throw in your things to note in the comments!
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