5 WTF moments from The Walking Dead episode 1010

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Samantha Morton as Alpha; group - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Samantha Morton as Alpha; group - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC /
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Ryan Hurst as Beta – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 10 – Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/AMC
Ryan Hurst as Beta – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 10 – Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/AMC /

1. Is Beta’s real last name Myers?

Beta stalking Alexandria with the cover of night shoots to the top of this list with no questions asked. With how Beta infiltrated Alexandria so easily and murdered so many people, at this point fans, wouldn’t be surprised if Beta was unmasked as Michael Myers himself! Beta moved house to house so perfectly, if Father Gabriel had not caught on, imagine how much more damage could have happened.

Numbers two and three on this list come with a level of certainty. Laura going up against Beta will likely end in death, Alpha and Daryl live because we know they are present in other scenes. However, when Beta arrives moving from house to house slitting people’s throats, all bets are off the table and you are taken back to when slasher films were new and popular.

Battling Beta has to be equivalent to trying to move a brick wall. He has killed so many people and nothing seems to be able to stop him, can he even be stopped at this point? Beta in this episode truly brought the show to a new level of what being a villain means. It will be impossible to have villains in the future knowing what we had in the whisperers.

If WTF could have a picture put with it to showcase what the phrase means, the most fitting character would certainly be Beta. Alpha may be scary and otherworldly, but we have seen her care, even if it is in a very messed up way. Beta, on the other hand, isn’t even capable of emotion and the thought of him hunting anyone is horrifying.

light. Related Story. The Walking Dead says goodbye to a fan favorite in ‘Stalker’

What did you think of this list? What other moments from the episode of The Walking Dead would you choose? Tweet me @Mamadeadhead to tell me your thoughts!