Beta stalks Gamma and terrorizes Alexandria, while Daryl and Alpha stalk each other. Find out more in this week’s The Walking Dead: Things To Note!
Last Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead was, basically, a story of two stalkings: One by Beta of Mary (f.k.a. Gamma), and the other by Daryl and Alpha of one another. And, you know what? It was damn fun.
Watching Beta rise up through a frigging grave just to go around terrorizing Alexandria just made him probably the scariest villain the show has ever seen. Not the most evil necessarily (I’d still argue Alpha walked away with the crown during her scene with Gamma in “Open Your Eyes”, but, that’s neither here nor there), but, definitely the scariest.
For an entirely different reason, I loved the battle between Alpha and Daryl. Maybe it’s the wrestling fan in me that enjoys the rivalry and the fact that they beat each other bloody and senseless, but, neither would concede defeat. It just makes for fun TV.
These weren’t the only things that happened, though: We learned a whole bunch of new information about Mary, saw Father Gabriel start to resemble Crazytown Rick (Which I think is a plus), saw several characters die, and got to see Judith be probably the best interrogator in Virginia just by being a little kid.
If you focused only on the big stories this week, you might have overlooked these and all the other facts, questions, and trivia this episode had to offer, but, luckily, I made sure to collect them all.
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: THINGS TO NOTE!