War has returned to The Walking Dead. In our Survival Rule Of The Week, we take lessons from this week’s episode to prepare you for war in the apocalypse.
War. War never changes–actually, I guess, to some degree, war does kind of change in a zombie apocalypse.
If what we saw on this week’s episode of The Walking Dead is any indication, a lot of what we think of when we think of modern warfare may…go out the window. For the most part, we won’t have access to much of the technology we normally associate with war. Planes, missiles, radar, all of that will almost certainly be unavailable to us once the apocalypse hits and, in their place, will, eventually, be things like arrows, swords, spears, and makeshift weaponry of all stripes.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because, after watching Sunday’s episode, I decided it might be a good idea to give you guys a few pointers about things you should do, and things you should avoid, if you’re ever forced to go to war with hostiles or zombies once the apocalypse hits.
Let’s get started, shall we?