1) As the episode begins, you can see Barrington House burning in the background behind Carol.
2) How, exactly, did Daryl and the army get back inside the walls? They were cut off by flames when the previous episode ended. I know…I checked.
3) While there weren’t any obvious cases in the previous episode, the pleading Whisperer Judith kills is the third in this episode, and, approximately, the twenty-second we’ve seen die, twenty-fifth overall.
4) The morning after the battle, Negan stumbles upon Aaron dragging an injured Luke. How did Luke get injured? He, obviously, wasn’t bitten, and, it’s surprising a Whisperer would injure him, yet, not kill him.
5) As Mary sits with Alden and Kelly, telling them about Frances, she suddenly warns them to move, as walkers are approaching. If Mary is indicative of the Whisperers as a whole, they’ve learned how to detect the dead via the reaction of nearby animals as they approach, something which Alden and Kelly did not notice.
6) As they run from the growing gang of walkers, Mary, Alden, and Kelly run to an abandoned van. How, exactly, did the van get there? It was sitting in the middle of the woods, hell, there wasn’t even a road near it, so…I’m confused.