In The Walking Dead “What We Become” we saw Michonne learn how her choices changed her. In a zombie apocalypse, your choices will determine who you are.
I found Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead “What We Become” very interesting, not so much about the weird, trippy parts (Though those were cool), but rather, the whole “What if?” flashbacks Michonne kept seeing. It was the kind of scenario I’ve written about a couple of different times now, and, it was really cool to see the show actual give us an “official” one.
You know what else was cool about it? We got to see just how much a choice Michonne made affected so many other people within the show.
Why is that cool? Because it shows you just how important your choices can be in a zombie apocalypse.
In this week’s The Walking Dead Survival Rule Of The Week, we’re going to look at a few things you need to be aware of so that you understand what you need to do when making choices in the apocalypse, and, why those choices are important, not just to you, but, to everyone around you.