With Michonne leaving to find Rick in The Walking Dead episode 1013 “What We Become”, who will now watch over her children, Judith and RJ?
Losing Rick was devastating for every single character on The Walking Dead – especially Michonne. So, when Michonne found clues hinting that Rick is still alive and out there somewhere, she had no choice but to go pursue those leads. Unfortunately, that means she had to leave behind the lasting legacy of the Grimes family – her and Rick’s children, Judith and RJ. With their mother and father both gone from the communities, who will take care of the children as they grow up in the apocalyptic world?
Let’s take a look at some of the characters who could step up to fill Michonne’s role as caretaker for the Grimes children.
The most obvious candidate to take Michonne’s place watching over Judith and RJ is Daryl. Daryl has already played a huge role in filling the void in the kids’ lives after Rick’s departure from the show. We often see Daryl comforting Judith when she needs it, like in episode 1012 “Walk With Us” when Daryl hugs Judith after seeing that she had to kill Earl when he turned into a walker. In that same episode, RJ runs straight to Daryl for a hug when the group finds the children hiding after the Battle for Hilltop. Both Grimes children show a lot of affection towards Daryl, so it seems natural that he would step up to be more of a father to them with both of their parents out of the picture.
Daryl may seem rough and hardened on the outside, but we know that he cares deeply about his loved ones and will do anything to protect them. He already plays a fatherly role in Lydia’s life, so it would be familiar territory to him when it comes to helping take care of Rick and Michonne’s children.

We know based on his conversation with Daryl in episode 1011 “Morning Star” that Ezekiel cares about the well-being of the children in the communities, even at his own expense. He went back into the burning Hilltop to try and protect Judith and wound up nearly dying during the battle when trying to protect the rest of the children. Since the first moment he showed up on-screen, Ezekiel has been a kind soul with a big heart. That’s exactly what Judith and RJ need right now after their mother’s departure.
It is undeniable that there is a Henry-sized hole in Ezekiel’s life right now. Since losing his son, and subsequently his wife, Ezekiel has felt lost. Add onto the fact that he discovered he likely has cancer, and it is clear that the former King needs some joy in his life. Perhaps he could find that by helping keep an eye on Judith and RJ, even if he won’t always be around as he deals with his health issues.

In the episode, Michonne asks about how Rosita and Coco are doing, referring to Rosita as “Tia Rosita” (Aunt Rosita). This name clearly shows that both Judith and RJ have some connection with Rosita that formed over the six years since Rick disappeared. Rosita has survived with the Grimes family longer than most characters remaining on the show, so it makes sense that she is considered a trusted member of their family.
While Rosita already has her hands full raising her baby, Coco, it would not be surprising to see her play more of a parental role in Judith and RJ’s lives. She knows how to care for a child, so at the very least she could help out others in making sure that the Grimes children are watched over.

Regardless of who steps up, we know that people throughout the communities will be looking after Judith and RJ. Rick and Michonne meant so much to these people, and the future they fought for lives on through their children. The survivors owe a lot to Rick and Michonne and will know that they have a responsibility to watch over their children while they aren’t able to.
Who do you think will take care of Judith and RJ now that Michonne has left the show? Let us know by leaving a comment or tweeting @labrosse_joe!