The Walking Dead, What We Become: Things To Note

Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
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Danai Gurira as Michonne, Kevin Carroll as Virgil – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 13 – Photo Credit: Eliza Morse/AMC
Danai Gurira as Michonne, Kevin Carroll as Virgil – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 13 – Photo Credit: Eliza Morse/AMC

8) Virgil calls the dead “rippers”. This is, approximately, the twenty-fourth unique name for walkers in The Walking Dead.

9) Virgil’s apparent inability to kill the walkers of his family is very reminiscent of Morgan, who couldn’t bring himself to kill his wife, Jenny’s, walker back in the very first episode, “Days Gone Bye”.

10) As Michonne and Virgil enter the first building of the island, Michonne is forced to kill a walker stuck in the barricade Virgil’s group was clearly using to keep the dead away. I’m curious, though: Did that person die trying to squeeze through the barricade? If so, man…what an awful way to go.

11) I can’t help but laugh at the irony of the slogan of the anti-STD poster on the wall (Pictured above), “Stop The Spread”, considering how infested with zombies the building was.

12) How long had it been since Virgil’s family died? Celeste, Jeremiah, and Lucy made it sound like it’d been a while, but, by the looks of them (Lucy, Jeremiah, and Celeste, I mean), it wouldn’t seem like it.

13) Virgil’s need for “peace” (And the, frankly, messed up way he goes about achieving it) is somewhat reminiscent of Morgan’s desire to “clear”. Ironically, when Virgil and Michonne enter the holding facility, Virgil, in fact, warns Michonne: “It’s not clear!

14) Speaking of which…why, exactly, would a government lab need “holding” facilities? Yeah, sure, it was “specimen holding”, and there were clearly cages for rabbits or monkeys or guinea pigs, but, then…why the clearly human sized “holding” rooms? You know? I’m starting to think there’s more to the “virus” theory I posited earlier…