1) If you pay attention, after Negan asks Carol “Is this what you wanted?”, it seems like Alpha’s head watches Carol. What. The. Hell. Previously, all the walker heads we’ve seen just stared blankly into space. We have never seen a walker head behave this way before.
2) Magna’s nickname for Yumiko, apparently, is “Mick”.
3) The red shirt Whisperer is, eventually, the twenty-fifth Whisperer (Approximately) that we’ve seen die, and the twenty-eighth(?) overall.
4) Also, the fact that said Whisperer is wearing a red shirt is just plain funny, considering how that attire has sort of become synonymous with an “expendable” character ever since the original Star Trek.
5) After not doing it for the past season and a half, Beta does his second “shh” of the season, as he forces Red Shirt to get bitten by Alpha’s head.
6) Alpha appearing to Carol as a ghost is the fourth time a hostile’s ghost has appeared to a member of the group: First was both Martin and The Governor appearing to Tyreese in his final episode, Season Five’s “What’s Happened And What’s Going On” (In fact, the episode got its title from Tyreese saying that phrase to The Governor’s ghost), and the second and third both came to Morgan, in the form of Gavin and Jared’s ghosts, which appeared to taunt him in Season Eight’s “Do Not Send Us Astray” and “Wrath”, respectively.
7) This is also Carol’s second run-in with ghosts this season, being previously haunted by Henry in this season’s third episode, (Aptly titled) “Ghosts”.