Not every character made it out of season 10 episode 15 of The Walking Dead alive. Here are the individuals who died in “The Tower” on Apr. 5, 2020.
The Walking Dead will be taking a short break before they air the season 10 finale but episode 1015 did enough that everyone is in danger and the Whisperers once again have the upper hand as a clash between the groups is imminent.
Sadly, more blood was spilled during the Apr. 5 episode of the AMC zombie drama during the episode titled “The Tower” and not every character made it out of the interesting installment of the series alive.
Who Died In The Walking Dead “The Tower”
- Some walkers
- One Whisperer
- A horse
There is something about horses in the zombie apocalypse that just doesn’t fare well for them. This time, it was one of the four-legged friends stepping on a landmine and causing a horseplosion. The gang only found the horse’s head Godfather style laying in a field, but there was no question what caused its death.
On the other hand, it was Daryl he executed a Whisperer after wounding it. In an attempt to get information about Beta and the mega-horde. His actions drew some ire from Judith, who was thinking about Michonne or Rick being alone and having to deal with strangers in the woods much like the situation with this Whisperer.
Sure, a few walkers had to be killed so they wouldn’t eat the Whisperer Daryl shot with his crossbow, but that small number compared to the number that are accompanying Beta and his followers is quite inconsequential in the scope of the larger story.
Once again, all of the survivors that fans cared about made it out of this episode alive, but that doesn’t mean they will be as lucky during the season 10 finale. Fans will need to be patient for the big episode when it finally airs later this year.