The Walking Dead is full of despicable villains, and season ten was no different, but, which villain was the most irredeemable. Who was THE WORST?
It seems like, in each season of The Walking Dead, war seems to take on a new wrinkle, with each new villain finding new and interesting ways to be a scumbag.
I mean, the Whisperers seemed to be masters of this, with Alpha constantly coming up with inventive means of attacking the communities, each one seeming a little more ruthless than the one before it.
However, it would be wrong to say that the Whisperers were the only villains we had this season. Even within the communities, there were some truly awful people: Bullies, fanatics, spies…take your pick. All of them were awful.
This brings me to the crux of this whole thing: Of all the villains we saw in this season of The Walking Dead…which one was the most irredeemable? Who was the worst of them all?
Hopefully, by the time we’ve finished here, we’ll find out.