The Walking Dead villains: Who’s the worst? Part 10

Samantha Morton as Alpha, Ryan Hurst as Beta - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
Samantha Morton as Alpha, Ryan Hurst as Beta - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC /
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Juan Javier Cardenas as Dante - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
Juan Javier Cardenas as Dante – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC /


Dante was an Iraq War veteran (or, so he said) and a doctor who had joined Alexandria sometime between the end of Season Nine and the beginning of season ten. He was also a lying, two-faced, snake in the grass who was actually a spy for Alpha the whole time.

I’m not even sure where to begin with how loathsome Dante is. Seriously, I’m not sure where to start…I guess I’ll start with the whole “being-a-lying-two-faced-snake-in-the-grass-thing” and go from there.

It takes something to go from a group of murderous weirdos into a group of normal people (After only just joining the murderous weirdos, I might add), and not only remain loyal to said weirdos over the normal people, but also, to aid them in their murderous, destructive schemes. I don’t know what to call that something, but what I do know is that it is not the mark of a good person. Not at all.

And, yet, this is exactly what Dante did: He not only aided in sowing discord in Alexandria by graffitiing the town with “Silence The Whisperers” (Making it look like there were more people in town like Margo, Alfred, and Gage lurking around), he helped spread contaminated water all over the community (Getting loads of people sick), he murdered a captured Whisperer just to keep him from revealing Dante’s identity, did the same thing to Cheryl, and then again to Siddiq, and would have let a zombified Siddiq eat Coco had Rosita not stopped him.

All of this is despicable, but, what puts Dante on another level is the fact that…he hadn’t even been with the Whisperers that long! Alpha makes a point of saying that he was new to them, yet, in spite of this, was more than happy to do all of the things I just mentioned to a group of normal people who happily welcomed him into their community! This is the mark of a fanatic, someone so blindly loyal to an ideology, they’ll follow it, even if it’s destructive, bloodthirsty, ruthless, and destroys the lives of people it targets. Dante saw the Alexandrians were good people, but, unleashed disease, chaos, and death upon them, anyway.

…What a swell guy.