Protecting Adam
Like plenty of characters on the show, Alden has had to say goodbye to many people that he cared about. The one that hit him hardest was the loss of his girlfriend, Enid, at the hands of Alpha and the Whisperers.
This loss made Alden very protective of his loved ones that are still living. Near the top of that list is Adam, Earl’s adopted son who was left to die by the Whisperers when they first visited Hilltop. So, when Mary, a former Whisperer who is Adam’s aunt, wanted to see the very child that she did nothing to protect, Alden was adamant that she stay away.
When Alden pulled Mary away from Adam and Aaron tried to intervene, Alden passionately made the following remarks:
"“Earl’s a better father than mine was. And we lost Tammy, and then I lost… And he’s been raising that boy alone. For her, and for us. Not for you. He’s not yours, he’ll never be. And you think I’m picking a fight? Think I’m being unreasonable? If I die tonight, it’ll have been for everything we’ve been trying to build for him.”"
You could hear the pain in Alden’s voice throughout this whole outburst. This surprisingly emotional scene really hammered home just how hard the loss of Enid was on Alden. It also made it clear that Alden hates the Whisperers, and will do anything to take them down.