It’s said everyone deserves a second chance. Is that true? Well, we’re going to find out: Which villain in season ten of The Walking Dead can be redeemed?
It has been a looooong time since I’ve done one of these. In fact, the last time I did a most redeemable list was way back in season seven. Seven.
Do you know why? Because, except perhaps for Negan or Jed (And, even then, if I had done so, it would have been with arguments that were flimsy, at best), nobody I counted amongst the villains over seasons eight or nine seemed worthy of redemption!
I mean, just for a flashback, look at the cadre of scumbags we had to choose from! Do you think any of them, outside of, maybe, Negan, was redeemable!? I sure as Hell don’t! And, even if I did, I can’t very well do an article like this about just Negan, now can I?
Seriously, none of the others on those lists showed anything even remotely resembling a caring or empathetic action the entire time they were around in those seasons.
That said, I’m happy to report that, this season, it seems like our villains weren’t all callous, bloodthirsty monsters, and instead, were people who, even after all this time in the apocalypse, were not so hardened as to be undamaged by the things they’ve seen, things they’ve done, and, most importantly, things they’ve lost.
Together, you and I are going to reexamine The Walking Dead’s villains this season and determine whether or not any of them could be considered redeemable and, if so, why.