The Walking Dead: Maggie’s return will begin a new story

Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) - The Walking Dead - Season 2, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/AMC
Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) - The Walking Dead - Season 2, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/AMC

After recent interviews with Angela Kang regarding The Walking Dead season 10 finale, she hints what Maggie’s return will bring to the show.

It’s been over a year since we have seen our beloved Lauren Cohan present us with the character of Maggie Rhee. In fact, her last episode was also Andrew Lincoln’s final episode: The Walking Dead season 9 episode 5 “What Comes After”. It was unknown if we would ever see Maggie on-screen again , but after a lot of negotiation, Cohan and Kang worked out Maggie’s return.

We were told in 2019 that Maggie would be coming back in season 10, we didn’t know exactly when but either way we are very thankful. It seems she was planning for Maggie’s return to take plan near the end of season 10, creating a huge story for her in season 11. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly about the finale that will come later this year, Kang hinted at how Maggie’s story will impact the group:

"We’ll see some more of the new characters as they’re featured this season, and we will see more of the epic conflict we’ve been witnessing all season with the survivors and the Whisperers. And we’ll see that Maggie is…. We’ll know what’s happened with her and what that means for our group. And our people are obviously on this collision course with the Whisperer horde. We will see Beta doing his thing as the leader of the Whisperers, hell bent on his revenge."

So what has Maggie been doing all this time? So far The Walking Dead shared a teaser of her return in the opening minutes of the finale, showing her just getting the messages that Carol had sent her he. We aren’t sure is it’s taken her time to check for letters or if this is a flashback to when the pike scene took place. But even if flashback or present, why so long? What problems did she have during the Whisperer arc?

One theory is that Maggie is with the Commonwealth and has become the new Pamela, others think she is working for Pamela, and for all we know she is leading a whole new community by herself. It seems as though these opening minutes tease that Maggie may save them from Beta, but the question is how? Will Maggie come with powerful weapons and fighters? Something bigger than what we have seen before?

Either way we are extremely excited to see what Maggie has been up to all this time. Maybe we will get an entire flashback episode about her journey to now. It will be nice to see her reaction to the new savage villains. Her reaction to Negan being released, let alone by Carol, will be a huge plot for the story, as well as his choices to help the group. How will the new characters react to Maggie since they’ve never met her but her a lot about her?

What are you looking forward to seeing most with Maggie’s return to The Walking Dead? How different will her character be after all this time? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below or on Twitter @UndeadWalkingFS @Grevorr