Honoring Henry
No matter how you look at it, Lydia would not be an accepted member of the communities without Henry.
After forming a bond in season 9, the former prince of the Kingdom risked his life to rescue Lydia from a life of abuse with her mother and the Whisperers. The loss of Henry, specifically at the hands of her own mother, clearly weighed very heavily on Lydia throughout season 10.
The first instance we see of Lydia attempting to honor the person who meant so much to her was in the first episode of the season. Here, we see Lydia training to use the weapon Henry was known for in his time on the show – the bo staff. Having added her own nunchuck-like accessory on the top, having Lydia wield Henry’s weapon in season 10 was a nice way for Lydia to carry on the legacy of the character who rescued her.
Later in the season, we see Lydia tearfully running her fingers over an engraving of “H+L” in a heart at the Hilltop. This small moment before her conversation with Carol showed that while Lydia has to deal with so many huge problems, she is still just a heartbroken kid at the end of the day.
The culminating moment of Lydia honoring Henry came at the Battle for Hilltop. Before the battle begins, Henry’s adoptive father, Ezekiel, gives Lydia Henry’s old armor that he wore as a member of the Kingdom. This is significant because of the battle that was about to be fought – Lydia was about to protect the community Henry brought her into against the group that he saved her from.
In season 10, Lydia did her best to honor Henry while still trying to carve out her own identity in the community, even as she faced constant judgment, scrutiny, and mistreatment.