The Walking Dead season 10: Top 5 Eugene moments
By Jack Horan
By season 10 of The Walking Dead, Eugene seems to truly have a decade of development. During this arc of the show alone he’s had a significant amount of this development which can be broken down into 5 major events.
Eugene Herman Porter has been on quite an impressive journey throughout his time in the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead. It all began when he recruited a suicidal Sgt. Abraham Ford for “…a very important mission”.
Starting with Abraham and Eugene, followed by the proper introduction of Abraham, Eugene and Rosita, moving on to his time with Glenn and Tara following the Prison escape, he had a variety of traveling companions who he lost along the way. Eugene is unmistakably intelligent and it shows very early on.
His ability to craft a top shelf lie in order to ban a large number of able-bodied survivors together to keep him safe, but also work towards the best possible location for survival for all of them, per his knowledge, was the first instance of this.
Though it had dangerous consequences when they were nearing their destination and Abraham nearly killed him; he lost the trust of most of the people he was traveling with, but it would all turn out to be the best decision they’d ever made which lead them to their joint communities.
Fast forward to their arrival to Alexandria and Eugene has begun his progression into a true survivor. He begins attending Rosita’s melee weapons training and eventually reveals to Abraham his master plan for munitions manufacturing at an old plant not too far from the community.
By the time of their confrontation with the Saviors, Eugene has saved the group with a phallic chomp, taking a bullet, and diverting the Saviors with the RV on his own. Unfortunately to no avail, they’re apprehended and one of those lost in the confrontation is Eugene’s biggest protector and closest friend, Abraham. This sends Eugene into a regression which many weren’t sure he’d survive; fortunately he’s come out on top better than ever.