Alpha’s cunning and cruelty went to lengths that shocked the survivors, and viewers, in season 10 of The Walking Dead. These moments are why she’s a legend.
The Walking Dead fans who read the comics anticipated Alpha’s arrival with the hope that the show would be able to do justice to the character, and it was clear from the start that Samantha Morton was up to the challenge of bringing Alpha to the screen.
Alpha’s cruelty, cunning, and intelligence raised the bar for all villains on The Walking Dead, but Samantha Morton also managed to give her a subtle vulnerability when it came to her daughter that made Alpha a very complex character.
She was conflicted about her feelings for her daughter and about Lydia’s desire to live with the other survivors in communities that Alpha called a tribute to a long-dead world. Alpha believed 100% in her own mythology that the dead were just the next step in the evolutionary process and she wanted Lydia to believe that too. But Lydia wanted a different life.
Alpha was also a master manipulator who knew exactly what to say or do to throw her enemies off balance. Alpha’s death, which almost perfectly mirrored her death in the comics, was justice for those killed and launched the story forward but it was still sad to lose such a multifaceted and amoral character. The Walking Dead won’t be the same without the evil queen who gave fans these five incredible moments: