The Walking Dead season 10: Alpha’s 5 best moments

Samantha Morton as Alpha - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
Samantha Morton as Alpha - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC /
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2. Alpha And Carol Face Off
Season 10, episode 3 “Ghosts”

The long-awaited confrontation between Carol and Alpha in “Ghosts” was understated, but epic in bringing two powerful characters face to face in a confrontation that was practically electric with the force of the energy between them.

As Michonne and Daryl tried to keep things from escalating after the survivors were summoned to the border marker by Alpha Carol refused to back down or act submissive to Alpha in any way. When Alpha said that she wouldn’t kill them for crossing her border three times but she would take land instead Carol told the others they didn’t have to listen to Alpha. But Alpha knew exactly how to wound Carol in the worst possible way- by hurting her as a mother.

After Michonne and Daryl agreed to give up the land Alpha insisted that Carol show submission to Alpha by lowers her eyes to Alpha’s feet. Carol, naturally, refused. Alpha told Carol that Henry screamed for her just before the Whisperers took his head. Carol, enraged, took a shot at Alpha and missed.

This moment was of Alpha’s best because it showed the symmetry between her and Carol. In many ways these two women were mirror images of each other. Both were fearless, both were strong, both were relentless, both were capable killers whose only weakness was their children. It was thrilling to see these two characters face off.