Bad decisions happen, but, in The Walking Dead, some bad decisions turn out to be TERRIBLE. This week, I set out to discover which ones were THE WORST.
There have been some dumb decisions on The Walking Dead over the years. In a show set in a zombie apocalypse that’s been going on for ten years, a few such decisions are to be expected, but, I’m not talking about decisions that leave you scratching your head wondering why, but decisions that are so senseless that, if you saw someone do something similar in real life, you would flip over the nearest table in rage.
When I started this little journey last week, I worked my way through the dumbest decisions of the first five seasons of The Walking Dead and, boy, were there some whopper bonehead moves in those first five seasons. This week, I’m going to go back over seasons six through ten, and see if any of the dumb decisions in those seasons can top any of the rage-inducing blunders we witnessed in seasons one through five.
Off the top of my head, I can’t quite say, because, as the show has gone on, the situation has grown more complicated, and with that, it’s tougher for me to say whether an idea was necessarily dumb on its face, even if it was disastrous.
Whatever the case may be, I think we are (Or, at least, I am) in for bumpy ride…