Here are the smartest decisions from The Walking Dead seasons 6 through 10.
A few weeks ago, I decided to go back over all ten seasons of The Walking Dead and find out what were the worst decisions seen throughout each season. It was fun. I mean, it was annoying, seeing some of these really dumb decisions, but, at the same time, I enjoyed myself, and it seems I wasn’t alone.
Last week, I decided to have a change of pace and sift through the first five seasons to find out what were the smartest decisions. It wasn’t easy, but, I think I did pretty well, and, this week, we’ll look at seasons 6 through 10 to determine what were the smartest decisions in those seasons.
Now, we’re going to have the same criteria as last week: My selections won’t necessarily be some of the most grandiose or action-packed events, but, what most positively impacted the person making the decision (Or their group), or, what were the most sound decisions from a survival aspect.
And, again, my selections may not be ones that involved big elaborate plans (Though, that isn’t to say I’m going to refuse to pick those. I don’t know, yet.), but, maybe, be a character deciding to use that plan, as opposed to some other option. On top of that, smart decisions that have gotten made a bunch of times before won’t get as much consideration as an obviously smart choice which had (For some reason) just not been made before.
Now that that is out of the way, let’s get started…