Let’s look at 7 lessons learned from The Walking Dead’s #1 dad, Rick Grimes.
This week, we celebrate Father’s Day here in America (A day that, in my opinion, doesn’t get the attention that it deserves), and, in honor of that, I’m going to dedicate this week to what I think are the top seven bits of fatherly wisdom from The Walking Dead’s first and most important dad: Rick Grimes.
How will I do that? By taking a look back a seven lessons Rick taught his own son, Carl, throughout the series’ history. Some of these will be lessons Rick taught directly to Carl, others being ones Carl learned because of Rick.
Of course, pretty much all of these lessons will have been ones about surviving in a zombie apocalypse, but, I mean…what else were you expecting? We are a site devoted to The Walking Dead, after all.
Also, while these were lessons Rick taught to Carl, if you happen to learn something this week about surviving a zombie apocalypse, too, that just means Rick’s lesson were really good, then, weren’t they?