1. Madison Clark
There is no bigger debate in the Fear the Walking Dead fan community than whether or not Madison Clark is still alive. On the surface, it appears as though she sacrificed herself to distract the walkers at the baseball field so her group could escape.
But what if she did get out? She could be trying to follow any trace of her family and former traveling companions to reunite with them. Or she might be trying to start a new life and leave her old one behind.
Either way, it would be a real shock if Madison made her return out of the blue or as part of an opposing group of survivors. Considering she was part of the show since the first season, it would be great to have a tie to back when the program was more of a family drama than a group of ragtag survivors.
Of all the returns on the list, this is the most likely. Yet, it still seems like a bit of a longshot. Fear the Walking Dead seems to want to move forward with their new cast and not want to have too many reminders of the Clark family, so seeing Madison again could be a bit of a pipe dream.
Which of these returns would you most like to see happen on Fear the Walking Dead? And are there any other characters who were never confirmed dead that would be great to come back to the AMC drama? Let us know in the comment section.