Let’s look at six unanswered questions I hope Fear TWD season 6 answers
San Diego Comic-Con is coming! Well…sort of. Even though it won’t be the SDCC we normally think of, that doesn’t mean we won’t find out about our favorite comics-related franchises, including Fear The Walking Dead!
With that in mind, I figured I’d occupy myself until then thinking about all the questions I have about this next season of Fear, spurred on in no small part by the trailer for it, which, while telling us a little, it is far too little for my liking.
In fact, I think it’s good that we just do a quick once-over of what the trailer did show us, and then, figure out the questions that need asking from there.
1) Morgan must survive the situation Virginia left him in, as we hear his voice over the entire trailer.
2) The group is being, apparently, incorporated into the Pioneers, with some (John, it seems) being put to work while others (Alicia and Strand, most notably) seem to be treated more like prisoners.
3) Sherry appears in this season.
4) There is a new group which seems to be warring with the Pioneers (And, by extension, Morgan’s group) who ride across the southwest on horseback wearing weird, white, ghostly masks.
5) Trouble erupts at the oil field. I mean, if there’s explosions at an oil field, you have to assume there’s at least some trouble afoot.
6) Althea seems to be on her own at some point.
7) We meet some new character, who seems to make a point of decapitating people and stuffing their heads in a toolbag.
This is what we know from the trailer. It isn’t much, and it’s mostly vague, which, while annoying, gives us plenty of room for questions, which is good, because that’s what we’re here for.