Six unanswered questions about Fear TWD season six

Maggie Grace as Althea, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
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Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

2) Who is Althea signalling?

About two-thirds of the way through the trailer, we see Al standing alone on top of a building, firing off a flare. Obviously, she’s signalling somebody, but…who?

Mini Fear The Walking Dead Theory: Al’s signalling Isabelle.

If you’ve been reading my articles long enough, you know that I’m constantly suspicious of the CRM (a.k.a. “The Helicopter Group”), and have made at least a couple of theories about them, so, any time they could potentially poke their noses into either The Walking Dead or Fear, I want to be there for it, and I think Al firing off a flare randomly into the night sky is one of those times.

I know that there are any number of other people Al could be signalling (Just pick anyone else from Morgan’s group, for a start), but, there’s just something about it — Maybe it’s the fact she’s alone, maybe it’s the fact she’s on the roof of a building (Perfect place to get picked up by a helicopter! What do you know?!), maybe it’s the fact she’s using a flare — that just seems like she’s specifically signalling Isabelle. With us only seeing a (very) brief bit of the relationship between Al and Isabelle, I can’t imagine that we’ve seen the last of it, there’s too much room for more story to just leave it at that.

Even if Al isn’t signalling Isabelle or one of her compatriots, we’re still left wondering who the Hell she’s signalling and why. Is she signaling someone else in the group as part of some elaborate plan to get out from under the Pioneers? Is it a signal for some plan Morgan’s group and the Pioneers are unfurling against the mysterious ghostface riders? Could it be a signal as part some plan for dealing with a threat we didn’t even see in the trailer? Who knows?