If you watch The Walking Dead (Or Fear The Walking Dead, for that matter) long enough, you realize something about people in a zombie apocalypse: They suck.
Let’s face it, to one degree or another…people suck. You know it. I know it. On some level, I think a lot of people know it. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of great individuals out there, but, let’s be real: On the large scale, people suck.
People sucking is, sadly, just part of the human condition, and it falls on each of us to strive not to suck as much as possible. Unfortunately, there’s a great many people who really don’t put that much effort into it, and more than a few who actively do everything they can to be the biggest douchebags possible. Whatever.
While this certainly isn’t a good thing, it becomes downright dangerous in a situation like a zombie apocalypse, where one awful person can wreck up your life and the lives of anyone with you.
So, this week, I figured I’d do my part not to suck, and give all of you some tips of what kind of behaviors to watch out for in people, and, a bit of an understanding as to why these behaviors happen. If you know the cause of someone being awful, you can recognize it in others, and, maybe, avoid disaster later down the line.