The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: Society Sucks

The Walking Dead; AMC; Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes
The Walking Dead; AMC; Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes /
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Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /

2) Society doesn’t care.

It is human instinct to be primarily concerned with the people most immediate to you: You, your family, your friends, etc.. This is fine. If we’re being honest, we all have our own lives to lead, and so does the rando walking by you on the street, and the person across the street, and the people in the office building on that street, and so and so forth. If we all stopped to worry about all those strangers, nothing would ever get done.

However, on a larger scale, this can often mutate into an indifference to other people, even those in dire need. It’s one thing not to care about the rando walking by you on the street, it’s quite another to not care, yet, sadly, that’s how things seem to be these days, more often than not. Worse still, there are people out there who know others are suffering and don’t simply not do anything about it, but, actively try to silence those attempting to do something about it, deeming their concerns (Which are often issues many people suffer from) irrelevant because they themselves don’t care about it, or, in some cases, because they want to appear to care about something else.

What this means in a zombie apocalypse is that, many of the people most vulnerable to the dead will fall through the cracks and possibly become their first victims, because people with the means to do something for them don’t think they’re important enough to warrant action for. The dead will simply wash through, infecting countless people and swelling to uncontrollable numbers.

After the outbreak hits, even though society will be in dire need of coming together, that indifference I mentioned earlier will rear its ugly head again, as people instead start shifting not simply to looking out for themselves and those most immediate to them, but to taking from others, causing the situation to rapidly deteriorate.

All of this, because, in the end, people just don’t give a damn.